Join the Transformative Adventure to Piano Playing Success for Adult Pianists

Join Diana Mascari's
Piano Academy Membership

You know that it's possible to play to play the piano with confidence and ease

and you're RIGHT.

Don't give up now!

Diana Mascari's Piano Academy will show you how!

Unlocking Your Unique Creative Potential As You Become the Pianist You Want to Be

Do You Wish You Could

  • Play the piano like a pro - as if it took no effort

  • Play your favorite songs on the piano the way YOU like to play them

  • Enjoy practicing the piano so much that it takes your mind off everything else

  • Improve and develop your piano playing, despite your age or past experience

  • Overcome musical challenges in such a way that you'll feel more fulfillment in your piano playing

  • Make playing the piano a true outlet for creative expression and an integral part of your daily life

  • Play the piano confidently in front of other people

  • Memorize some of your favorite songs

  • Improvise on the piano so you're not always tied to the notes on the page

  • Understand music theory so you have a better understanding of the music you play

Are You Frustrated Because You

  • Have a hard time keeping the beat

  • Find it difficult to coordinate your right-hand melodies with your left-hand accompaniments

  • Have a tough time memorizing songs

  • Feel like all the songs you play on the piano sound the same

  • Don't know how to use the pedals

  • Often get stuck knowing what fingering to use so you can play smoothly and confidently

  • Don't know several different types of chords like diminished, augmented, 9ths, etc.

  • Can't play "legato" (smoothly and connected) nor staccato (detached) when you need to

  • Don't know how to play with dynamic contrast (louds and softs)

  • Get nervous playing the piano in front of other

In Diana's Piano Academy membership, you are going to:

  • Discover different left-hand accompaniment patterns that will transform the songs you play

  • Learn several types of four-note chords that will enrich your piano playing

  • Explore several styles of piano playing that will bring more variety to your song playing

  • Play the blues and develop your skills to improvise with this, the pentatonic scale, and more

  • Learn the arm weight technique for scale playing that will vastly improve your piano playing

  • Know how to arrange songs for the piano that fit your musical tastes

  • Gain the skills needed to create medleys of songs that keep your favorites linked together

  • Learn about the pedals as well as how to master use of the damper pedal in your piano playing

  • Organize your songs into a repertoire for regular practice so they are always ready to perform.

  • Emerge as a knowledgeable, motivated, inspired, and confident musician who will continue to grow musically for the rest of your life

Diana's Piano Academy Features Two Live Workshops Each Month

12 Stages Designed to Help You Achieve Your Piano Playing Potential One Stage At a Time

Diana's Piano Academy 24 Live Workshops Listed Below

All included in Your Membership (12 Stages)

Early Pianists' Live Workshops

Review Song Playing Starter Kit for Pianists First

Open to All Academy Members

Live Workshops

For Pianists with Experience

Open to All Academy Members

Don't miss out on the opportunity to take your piano playing to new heights!

Diana's Piano Academy will help you become the pianist you've always dreamed you could be.

Here's what one of Diana's adult piano students has to say:

Take Your Piano Playing To the Next Level with the Proven Method Designed to Transform Your Piano Playing:

Diana's Transformational Approach to the Piano

(TAP System) Developed Over 45 Years of
Teaching Piano to Hundreds of Adults Just Like You

When you join Diana's Piano Academy, you can learn at your own pace.

Join the workshops and masterclasses "live" or watch the recordings later.

Take Your Piano Playing to the Next Level

Become the Pianist
You've Always Wanted to Be!

Here's what another one of Diana's piano students has to say:

Join a community of adult pianists who support and encourage each other!

You'll have access to all 24 Live Workshops: 12 for Early Pianists and 12 for Pianists with Experience

These monthly group masterclasses, workshops, and Q&A sessions are all designed to give

you the hands-on help you need to become the pianist you've always wanted to be.

The Piano Academy membership will give you the tools, techniques, and hands-on training

that will get you the piano-playing results you want without getting lost in self-teaching.

Built with the foundation of Diana's Transformational Approach to Piano (TAP System)

developed over her 45 years of teaching and solo piano playing, the Piano Academy has the

answers and solutions that you will need to become a confident and accomplished solo pianist.

Watch the video below to find out more about what's included in

Diana Mascari's Piano Academy Membership and how it works....

Diana Mascari: "I was once where you are."

Believe it or not, I was once where you are.

Even though I'd been playing piano for more than 15 years, I desperately needed a teacher who could take me from where I was (a musician who played in bands) to the best solo pianist I could be.

So while I was teaching piano, I began my quest to get the help I needed. My path led me to private teachers like Joe Maneri, Tom McKinley, and Lukas Foss, the New England Conservatory (where I got two Master of Music degrees), and Boston University (where I was enrolled in the doctoral program and taught keyboard harmony to undergraduate music majors).

I was still studying music, but I also taught piano, played regularly as a solo pianist, wrote classical music that was played all over the world, and was the Music Director for a Multi-Cultural Presbyterian Church outside of Boston, a position I held for 41 years.

Although each teacher and each experience helped me grow musically, not one of them had a method designed to teach me what I needed to know in a systematic way. That's why I created my Transformational Approach to Piano (TAP System). I had to figure it out for myself.

After 45 years of teaching hundreds of adults how to play the piano, especially how to play songs,

I can tell you that helping you become the pianist you want to be is my first priority. That's why I

started my Piano Academy membership: so that YOU can become the pianist you want to be.

It's time for YOU to develop your musicality and work on becoming a better pianist.

So, join the Piano Academy today! Jump in and watch what happens.

YOU can now work towards becoming the pianist you want to be!

Here's what another one of Diana's adult piano students has to say:

What's the Cost of Not Following Your Heart?
Spending the Rest of Your Life Wishing You Had!

If you're like most of my adult students, you know that time passes far too quickly. You can keep procrastinating, saying that you're just too busy, or you can keep doing it on your own-watching YouTube instructional videos, buying all sorts of piano books or simply using the knowledge you have from the piano lessons you took as a child.

Can you guess where you're going to be a year from now?

Yup, you guessed it! Just about where you are now AND feeling stuck besides.

There's a Better Answer!

When you join Diana's Piano Academy, all the steps are laid out for you.

When you look back after going through the time you spent in my Piano Academy,

you won't recognize yourself as a pianist.

You'll be playing the full piano, whether it's a flowing style for a show tune, a walking bass on

a standard from the Great American Songbook, a shuffle bass on a 12 bar blues, a beguine bass

on a Latin rhythm song, or turning a waltz into a jazz waltz.

Not only that, you'll also know how to play medleys of your favorite songs, arrange selections according to your personal taste, and create a repertoire of you songs for daily practice so that they're always performance-ready for your satisfaction or in case you want to share your music with friends and family.

Not only will you be a competent pianist, you'll be a creative, consistent and confident pianist before you know it!

Here's what another of Diana's students has to say:

Here's Your Path To Your Piano Playing Transformation

When you join and participate in Diana's Piano Academy, you'll experience a transformation in your piano playing that will leave you feeling vibrant, inspired, motivated, energized, joyful, and personally fulfilled.

You'll be amazed at how much your skills, technique, knowledge, understanding, abilities, creativity, and style can improve with Diana's innovative approach to teaching (the TAP System) and playing solo piano!

What You Get As a Piano Academy Member

As a member of Diana Mascari's Piano Academy, you'll get all of the training, guidance, inspiration, tools, community, and support you need to improve, develop, and personalize your piano playing.

You'll also get full access to the entire 12-Stage Transformational Approach to Piano (TAP System),

which directs you through all the key components needed to unlock your full potential as

a pianist playing with confidence and personal style.

My Piano Academy Members Get:

  • An exclusive, members-only, LIVE group Q&A

    and special Workshops and trainings every month, focusing on one Stage of the Piano Academy's Transformational Approach to Piano curriculum to keep everyone energized.

  • Access to any new online courses on special areas of music that may be released occasionally with no extra charge

  • A monthly updated Piano Academy Members' Vault of ALL past Workshops, musical trainings, and Q&A sessions that are recorded every month - so it doesn't matter when you join, you will still have access to EVERYTHING to learn and review at a pace and schedule that suits you best.

  • An exclusive online community for members to help each other apply what they learn, to share musical tips and ideas, and to be a source of encouragement for each other.

  • Exclusive discounts for one-on-one piano lessons with Diana Mascari.

Yes, I'm ready to join a supportive community of fellow piano enthusiasts to help me improve my piano skills and unleash my creativity!

Testimonials from Adult Students

Music is very important in my life, even though I never studied it as a child. I’ve been a student of Diana’s for many years, starting as an adult. Being an adult learner brings with it its own challenges, such as being concerned with the fact that I’m going to make mistakes or that I might not always have as much time to practice. I have never felt silly because Diana has always been very supportive. I also like to jump around a lot. I enjoy all different kinds of music, from jazz to pop to boogie-woogie, and I have a wide range of tastes, and she’s always able to accommodate this. I enjoy my lessons with her, knowing that she’s always there for me.

Mary Rapa, School Nurse

“As a child I sang with the Philadelphia Boys Choir and this exposed me to unimaginable experiences such as singing in Carnegie Hall and professional operas. I went on to study saxophone, taught myself piano chords, and enjoyed singing along. I continued to play as my professional career developed, but began to feel a broader level of technique was missing from my life and I wanted to advance. I also always loved jazz and so I reached out to Diana to build on the skills that I already had.From day 1, she exposed me to an approach to playing that I found so interesting, and provided me with just the right challenge that I was hungry for. And it was also very doable. She really opened me up to the full piano, took the songs I loved, adding such cool sounds and a great deal of feeling, and hugely expanded my repertoire. I was able to develop my hand independence and accompany myself singing so that my wife said, “It’s so much fun listening to you practice now.” I highly recommend studying with Diana Mascari, and am so thankful for the opportunity to bring music back into my life.Andy Molnar, Digital Therapeutics Alliance, CEO

All live Workshop, Q & A Sessions, and Group Lessons are recorded and uploaded to the member's Vault within 24 hours of their taking place;

When you join the Piano Academy, you'll have access to all of the previous recordings AND the current ones from wherever you are located (even if you're away from home).

The Piano Academy's 12 Stages

Each Slide Below Shows the Theme of One of the Stages.

As You Progress Through the 12 Stages (12 months),

You'll Watch the Transformation of Your Piano Playing

Existing Members Sign in Here

If you are already a member of my Piano Academy, or purchased any of my courses individually, just log in to the members area for access:

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I be charged for my membership?

When you sign up for $47 USD, you will get immediate access to all courses and Live calls included in this membership from the first payment.Unless you cancel your subscription, you will then be automatically charged $47 (USD) per month (30 days after the day that you started your subscription. Your nominated payment method will be automatically deducted from every 30 days.You can cancel your subscription yourself at any time from within your learning dashboard, but as soon as you cancel, you immediately cease to have access to all of your training.

Can I cancel my membership?

Yes. You can cancel your membership at ANY time by contacting me, and your membership will be instantly cancelled. There are no minimum membership periods.

How do I access my Piano Academy courses and recordings?

As soon as you have paid your first $47 you will have full access.You will need to log in with your own log-in details each time you access your training. It's a good idea to pin the tab or save the link to your favorites to make it easier to log in to the Academy next time. You'll also get a welcome email with the link to your member's area (so you have it just in case).

Do I have to become a member to access the courses and workshops offered to Piano Academy members?

No, you can purchase individual courses and/or workshop recordings for a one-time fee. You'll have lifetime access to each course you purchase. If you're a member of the Piano Academy, your access to ALL of the courses will end if and when you cancel your membership subscription.

Will my monthly membership fee increase?

No, all existing members keep their access at the same price FOR LIFE (as long as you don't cancel), and the price increases will only apply to new subscribers. Occasionally, the membership price does increase. If you cancel, you are then considered a 'new' member again, and if the price has increased, your monthly membership fee would reflect the most up-to-date pricing. If you do not cancel, your monthly membership fee will be honored for as long as you maintain the payments and include all future upgrades at no extra cost. As of May 1, 2023, the monthly membership fee is $59 USD for newly joining members.

Will I get new courses and content?

Yes. All members will have new courses and content automatically added to their member dashboard at no extra cost to their monthly subscription. New courses are not released monthly, however.

Will I be able to get a refund if I don't use my membership offerings?

Since your membership subscription is monthly AND you can cancel your subscription at any time, there are NO REFUNDS for ANY reason.

Still Have Questions?

Please feel free to email Diana directly on the CONTACT FORM with your questions

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  •  Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation
  •  At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecetuer lorem ipsum
  •  Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation
  •  At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecetuer lorem ipsum
  •  Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation
  •  At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved

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